Plugin Settings

The plugin settings can be found in the project setting when the plugin is enabled. You don't need to set anything up to get started, this is just a reference for what each of them does (you can also see by hovering over each one in engine).

Make sure that Overlay Login Type is set to Wallet Connect - unless you are building in the Futureverse ecosystem. In this case, you should set the Overlay Login Type to Futureverse.

UI Overlay

Show Balance

Should the overlay UI show the user's balance?

Blockchain used in UI for balance

The blockchain used in the overlay UI to show the user's balance.

This selection only sets the chain used by the overlay. It doesn't set the chains used by any other functions, like Read Method, Write Method, etc.

The preset Blockchain assets have node URLs provided by Crucible, and are therefore pretty much just for testing as they only have a limited amount of requests per day, which are shared by everyone using Emergence. You probably shouldn't be using it in shipping.

Use ERC20 As Balance

Should an ERC20 be used as the balance in the UI rather than the blockchain's currency? If you use this, you must supply the blockchain the ERC20 contact is on in the "Blockchain used in UI for balance" field.

ERC20 Address

The address of the ERC20. If you use this, you must supply the blockchain the ERC20 contact is on in the "Blockchain used in UI for balance" field.


Debug/Development/Test build cloud environment

Which cloud environment should be communicated with when the game is built as "Debug", "Development" or "Test". Default is "Staging".

Shipping build cloud environment

Which cloud environment should be communicated with when the game is built as "Shipping". Default is "Production".

Default Avatar Icon

The avatar icon to display if a persona doesn't have an avatar associated to it. You may want to alter this if you don't want to use the default Unreal Editor mannequin to represent players without their own avatar, such as one that better contextually fits with your game.


Custom IPFS Node

The IPFS node to use when getting IPFS data via HTTP. Leaving it blank will use the default "". The IPFS hash will be added to the end (for example, using the default: "").


This section only appears on Unreal engine versions after 5.1 (including 5.1)!

Allow LibCurl Connection Reuse

If true, libcurl will be allowed to "reuse connections". You probably want to leave this off unless it causes issues for your specific hardware, but it can speed up requests on some systems. If you toggle this, you may have to restart the editor for it to fully have an effect.

Last updated